It's the best part of summer.
It's not unusual for me to build a meal around whatever looks good at the produce stand I pass on the way to the lake.
On this night I made pasta tossed with sauteed fresh tomatoes and basil.

Blanch a few fresh tomatoes by dipping them briefly in boiling water.
When cool enough to handle, peel.
Chop tomatoes. Saute with some chopped onion in olive oil. Add some chopped basil when the tomatoes are starting to get tender. Don't let tomatoes get too soft or mushy.
Toss tomatoes and pasta together.
Sprinkle with Parmesan and garnish with fresh basil.
I also cooked up some other veggies that looked too good to pass up.
Fresh carrots.
I am older and all my life my goal was to make a colorful meal!